Source code for ephemeris

import os

import yaml
from bioblend import galaxy

__version__ = "0.10.11.dev0"

PROJECT_NAME = "ephemeris"
PROJECT_AUTHOR = "Galaxy Project and Community"

[docs] def get_or_create_history(history_name: str, gi: galaxy.GalaxyInstance): histories = gi.histories.get_histories(name=history_name) if histories: return histories[0] else: return gi.histories.create_history(name=history_name)
[docs] def check_url(url, log=None): if not url.startswith("http"): if log: log.warning("URL should start with http:// or https://. https:// chosen by default.") url = "https://" + url return url
[docs] def get_galaxy_connection(args, file=None, log=None, login_required=True): """ Return a Galaxy connection, given a user or an API key. If not given gets the arguments from the file. If either is missing raise ValueError. """ if file: file_content = load_yaml_file(file) else: file_content = dict() url = args.galaxy or file_content.get("galaxy_instance") galaxy_url = check_url(url, log) api_key = args.api_key or file_content.get("api_key") or os.environ.get("EPHEMERIS_API_KEY") if args.user and args.password: return galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=galaxy_url, email=args.user, password=args.password) elif api_key: return galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=galaxy_url, key=api_key) elif not login_required: return galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=galaxy_url) else: raise ValueError("Missing api key or user & password combination, in order to make a galaxy connection.")
[docs] def load_yaml_file(filename): """ Load YAML from the `tool_list_file` and return a dict with the content. """ with open(filename) as f: dictionary = yaml.safe_load(f) return dictionary
[docs] def dump_to_yaml_file(content, file_name): """ Dump YAML-compatible `content` to `file_name`. """ with open(file_name, "w") as f: yaml.dump(content, f, default_flow_style=False)