Source code for ephemeris.set_library_permissions

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Tool to set permissions for all datasets of a given Galaxy Data Library"""

import argparse
import logging as log
import sys
from typing import List

from bioblend import galaxy
from rich.progress import Progress

from .common_parser import (

# Print iterations progress

[docs] def get_datasets(gi, library_id) -> List[str]: objects = gi.libraries.show_dataset(library_id=library_id, dataset_id="") datasets = [] for index in range(len(objects)): if objects[index]["type"] == "file": datasets.append(objects[index]["id"]) if datasets == []: sys.exit("No datasets in library!") else: return datasets
[docs] def set_permissions(gi, library_id, role_ids, auto):"Your library_id is %s", library_id)"Your roles are: %s", " ".join(role_ids)) datasets = get_datasets(gi, library_id) total = len(datasets) est = total * 3 / 60 # Give User time to abort "\nSuccess! %d datasets found. Processing can take up to %0.02f min\n", total, est, ) if auto: for current in range(total): log.debug("Processing dataset %d of %d, ID=%s", current, total, datasets[current]) gi.libraries.set_dataset_permissions( dataset_id=datasets[current], access_in=role_ids, modify_in=role_ids, manage_in=role_ids, ) else: if input("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ") == "y": with Progress() as progress: task = progress.add_task("[green]Processing datasets...", total=total) for current in range(total): log.debug( "Processing dataset %d of %d, ID=%s", current, total, datasets[current], ) gi.libraries.set_dataset_permissions( dataset_id=datasets[current], access_in=role_ids, modify_in=role_ids, manage_in=role_ids, ) progress.update(task, advance=1) else:"Operation cancelled by user. No changes were applied.\n")
def _parser(): """Constructs the parser object""" parent = get_common_args() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[parent], formatter_class=HideUnderscoresHelpFormatter, description="Populate the Galaxy data library with data.", ) parser.add_argument("library", help="Specify the data library ID") parser.add_argument("--roles", nargs="+", help="Specify a list of comma separated role IDs") parser.add_argument( "-y", "--yes", default=False, action="store_true", help="Set the -y flag for auto-accept and skip manual approvement", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--silent", default=False, action="store_true", help="sets loglevel to ERROR", ) return parser
[docs] def main(argv=None): args = _parser().parse_args(argv) if args.user and args.password: gi = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=args.galaxy, email=args.user, password=args.password) elif args.api_key: gi = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=args.galaxy, key=args.api_key) else: sys.exit("Please specify either a valid Galaxy username/password or an API key.") if args.verbose: log.basicConfig(level=log.DEBUG) elif args.silent: log.basicConfig(level=log.ERROR) else: log.basicConfig(level=log.INFO) if args.roles and args.library: args.roles = [r.strip() for r in args.roles.split(",")] else: sys.exit("Specify library ID (--library myLibraryID) and (list of) role(s) (--roles roleId1,roleId2)") set_permissions(gi, library_id=args.library, role_ids=args.roles, auto=args.yes) "\nThis script uses bioblend to update ALL permissions of ALL datasets in a" "specified library to the given roles. Be careful and cancel if unsure\n" )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()